Our Mission

Try Again Foundation promotes individual sports and hobbies that normalize failure and encourage a growth mindset by providing communities access to the tools, education and experiences needed to start them.


People are afraid to fail, so they never try. This stops them from becoming their best self. Finances can often be a roadblock to accessing the very hobbies that would propel someone to their greatest self.

By encouraging the adoption of hobbies that normalize failure like action sports, music and kendama, we start a shift in mindset that ripples through every facet of one’s life.


We host action sports jams, kendama workshops and music events that provide fertile ground for the seed of growth mindset to be planted.

Through the generosity of our sponsors and donors, we’re able to give bikes, skateboards, kendamas and other tools to our event attendees, as well as fundraise for local organizations that will water the seeds long after we’ve left.


Any community around the world. We all benefit when we try, and try again.

Contact us if you want to bring growth mindset to your community.

“Success is only one try away. My BMX career has just been a series of tries with some lands trickled in. It’s wild how that try-again mindset translates into every aspect of my life now. Imagine if I had stopped trying that first day on the bike.”

- Reed Stark, professional BMX rider & TAF co-founder